
There will be NO WALK-IN checkouts available from April 22 until May 6. Please use the link below to WebCheckout to make a reservation.

The Equipment Center (EQC) offers reservation and checkout of audio and video production equipment for field and studio use. A list of available field and in-house (studio) production equipment can be found on the Equipment Center Kit Details (PDF).

Getting Started 

To make a reservation you must first fill out the online contract, access will be granted within 48 hours. Reservations are made online via WebCheckout.  Carefully review the guidelines and policies before agreeing to the terms and proceeding to the reservation system. You will need to login with your NetID in all lowercase and your usual New School password and then select "EQC - Arnhold Hall 9th Floor". For more information please visit the Equipment Center FAQ.

Additional Info 
  • A New School ID is required and is the only ID accepted.
  • The EQC does not provide consumable batteries (AA, AAA, or 9v Batteries) 
  • You are fully responsible for all equipment. Check all items and test them thoroughly before signing the contract. If any item is missing or problematic, alert the staff, who will replace it or make a note on the contract.
  • Failure to comply with EQC policies may result in fees, restrictions to your equipment access, or a hold on your university student account. For more information please visit the Equipment Center FAQ.